Teranishi Chemical Industry Guitar Taishou Roman Ink - Smoky Navy 寺西化學工業 大正浪漫墨水 - 煙海藍
Teranishi Chemical Industry Guitar Taishou Roman Ink - Smoky Navy 寺西化學工業 大正浪漫墨水 - 煙海藍
After the Meiji period and before the Showa era, there was a colorful “Taisho period” (1912 - 1926). At that time, Japan continued to incorporate Western culture and developed its unique aesthetic style. Romanticism, liberalism, democracy spread around the country. People collectively refer this unique cultural atmosphere of that time as “Taisho Romance”.
Teranishi Chemical Industry was founded in 1916, the 5th year of Taisho period. Their signature product at that time was writing ink. In 2021, the 105th anniversary of the company, Terai Chemical Industry decided to return to its original product and created the "Taisho Roman" ink collection.
明治之後、昭和之前,是多彩多姿的「大正時代」(1912 – 1926)。日本一方面繼續揉合西方新學,發展出「和洋折衷」的美學。自由、浪漫、民主思潮也流行於全國,孕育出竹久夢二、芥川龍之介、谷崎潤一郎等文豪墨客。人們將能夠傳達當時獨有氛圍的文化藝術,統稱為「大正浪漫」(大正ロマン)。
Package Size | 7.27 cm x 7.33 cm x 7.56 cm |
Bottle Size | 4.37 cm (diameter) x 7.06 cm |
Weight (with package) | 142.8 g |
Weight (without package) |
115.3 g |