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TACCIA Jeans Ink Collection - Powder Blue 牛仔布墨水 - 粉藍

TACCIA Jeans Ink Collection - Powder Blue 牛仔布墨水 - 粉藍

Regular price $95.00
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Powder Blue is a sky blue shade.

The TACCIA Jeans Ink Collection was inspired by the various shades of classic denim. The fabric material has origins in the French town of Nimes. During the gold rush in 1853, a man named Levi Strauss made his way to San Francisco during the gold rush. He found that the cotton trousers worn by the gold diggers tore easily, and sought to create something more wear resistant. He began with canvas, and eventually made his way to using indigo twill denim, founding the Levi's brand. Since then, denim has become a staple material within the fashion and everyday clothing world!

Packaged in 40ml glass bottle with a vintage, jeans inspired paper box.


牛仔布(Denim),又稱作丹寧布,原產於法國小鎮Nimes1853年,Levi's創辦人Levi Strauss乘著淘金熱潮抵達美國三藩市,他發現當時淘金工穿著的棉布褲極易磨破,因此使用耐磨的帆布製成工作褲出售,其後大受歡迎,連牛仔也喜歡上這種工作褲,漸漸流行。1860年後,Levi Strauss將工作褲的物料改成靛藍斜紋的丹寧布。自此,牛仔布成為丹寧布的別稱,推廣至全世界,並流行至今。



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